The Hungarian-based SAX Kft., a LLC owned 49% by ICO, begins its operation. The Company is registered under the name of ICO Rt., and with this, the company is fully transferred to private hands. Besides manufacturing, the Company develops its independent domestic and export sales.

ICO-TRADE Kft., a LLC owned 100% by ICO, begins its operation in Prague. It is responsible for organizing the sales of products under the brand names ICO and SAX in the Czech Republic.

ICO Rt. establishes its Rumanian subsidiary, the ICO-Rumania Lianora’s Pen Company Limited by Shares to promote the sale of products under the brand names ICO, SAX and EURO in Rumania.

The trade office of ICO Rt. begins its operation in Shanghai. The exportation of ICO and SAX product to Hong-Kong and China is launched.

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